Important Updates For Aged Care Providers

Aged Care Quality and Safeguarding: Toward a New, Single Aged Care Quality Framework

The Australian Government Department of Health is attempting to cut through the Aged Care compliance red tape with the introduction of a single quality framework, due to take effect from 1 July 2018.

As many Aged Care providers are well aware, the Aged Care system is highly regulated, particularly if you are delivering multiple Aged Care service types. To simplify regulatory requirements, the Australian Government will release a Single Aged Care Quality Framework that comprises a single set of aged care standards for all aged care services. The Framework will include a streamlined approach to assessing provider performance against the standards, as well as improved information on quality to help clients make choices about the care and services they need.

New Standards

The new Standards will replace:

  • Accreditation Standards;
  • Home Care Standards;
  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program Quality Framework Standards; and
  • Transition Care Standards.

The standards are currently being finalised, however, the draft standards are:

  1. Consumer dignity, autonomy and choice;
  2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers;
  3. Delivering personal care and/or clinical care;
  4. Delivering lifestyle services and supports;
  5. Service environment;
  6. Feedback and complaints;
  7. Human resources; and
  8. Organisational governance.

They will apply to all aged care services including residential care, home care and flexible care, with flexibility around how they are applied to different services.

Preparation and Support

The Australian Aged Care Quality Agency is working with the aged care industry, consumers and other key stakeholders to develop guidelines and supporting material for the draft. Amergin can help you get registered and maintain ongoing compliance.

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